About KarunaHOME

Karuna Means “Compassion” in Sanskrit.

With KarunaHOME, our goal is to provide compassionate, evidence-based solutions to help people suffering from chronic pain get the relief they need. Inspired by treating our own family members, we use state-of-the-art technology paired with personalized coaching to help patients maintain independence, reduce medication usage, and unlearn their pain.

Discover the KarunaHOME Program

KarunaHOME is a 12-week at-home program that fuses revolutionary technology, proven neuroscience-backed techniques, and personalized coaching to help patients get relief from a variety of chronic pain conditions.

During the program, all KarunaHOME patients get:

  • Unlimited access to our proprietary device and technology

  • A dedicated pain coach certified in functional rehabilitation and neuroplastic pain education

  • The KarunaHOME patient workbook with educational tools, exercises, and practical tips for unlearning chronic pain

  • Access to dozens of videos (in both English and Spanish) and other digital assets with easy-to-follow concepts

  • A fully personalized program tailored to their individual condition and schedule

Unlearn your pain. Reclaim your life.

Our Team

Lincoln Nguyen


Jon Weinberg


Andy Riedel


Dr. James Petros

Chief Medical Officer

Kris Beebe

Head of Coaching

Marisol Castro

Head of Billing

Mayan Shoshani

Software Engineer

Cameron McPherson

Software Engineer

Kirke Giedzinski

Logistics and QA

Alex Yeates

VP of Sales

Clinical Advisory Board

Howard Schubiner, MD

David Smolins, MD

Robert Johnson DPT

Adam Saby, MD 

Howard Edelman

Ramo Naidu, MD

Rick Paicius

Howard Fields, MD, PhD

Kynan Eng PhD

Ian Cheok

Steve Wiesner, MD

As Seen In

Karuna Labs as seen in logos
Karuna Labs as seen in logos

Clinical Evidence


Journal articles *

*Searched by Karuna Labs, Inc. March 2021


Randomized controlled trials *


Meta-analyses articles *


Selected Fear Avoidance Beliefs Training (FABT) Research

Fear Avoidance Beliefs are associated with disability, reduced function, and impairment in chronic pain patients. FABT has demonstrated improvements in disability, function, impairment, and return to work in chronic pain patients




Fear Avoidance Beliefs Training improves disability and pain intensity in patient’s low back pain

Randomized Controlled Trial

Fear Avoidance Beliefs Training significantly improved work related fear avoidance beliefs in workers with chronic pain

Randomized Controlled Trial

Patients with high fear avoidance benefit from functional rehabilitation programs that include Fear Avoidance Beliefs Training

Comparative Study

Chronic low back pain patients with reduced function demonstrated superior benefits over treatment as usual on function, fear, and pain

Randomized Controlled Trial

Early Fear Avoidance Training prevents the onset of chronic pain

Exploratory Study

Function in chronic pain patients is significantly reduced in patients with high Fear Avoidance Beliefs

Randomized Controlled Trial

High fear avoidance beliefs is associated with sustained impairments in returning to work in chronic pain patients

Randomized Controlled Trial

Therapeutic patient education

Randomized Controlled Trial